Thursday, September 3, 2020

Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Examine about the Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings. Answer: Presentation: It gets compulsory for an investigator or the partner of an organization to examine the position, solidness and execution of the organization regarding account. In this report, the presentation of JB HI FI has been assessed based on the different devices and strategies. In this report, money related quality, execution, security and gainfulness of the organization has been assessed. This report would brief the client about the exhibition of the organization with the goal that they could settle on a superior choice about the organization. Information of most recent 5 years has been examined to show signs of improvement result. Predominantly, the money related figures, stock cost and the yearly report of the organization have been worried for this report. The organization, JB HI FI LIMITED completes its capacities and the tasks into the amusement and music industry. In 1974, this organization has appeared. John Barbuto was the fellow benefactor of this organization and this organization has been opened at East Keilor, Victoria. Likewise, this organization has enrolled its stocks into the Australian stock trade to exchange the protections of the organization (Home, 2017). At present, JB HI FI is perceived as the greatest firms of music and media outlet in the Australian market. The fundamental items and administrations of this organization are DV Movies, computer games, music CDs, games and so on. In this report, execution of the organization has been assessed with the goal that the clients could settle on a superior choice about the organization. Information of most recent 5 years has been investigated to show signs of improvement result. Yearly report has been worried to break down the report in a superior manner. The term money related examination portray about the investigation which is done over the budgetary figures and fiscal summary of an organization to break down the exhibition and the strength position of an organization. Different instruments are utilized by the monetary expert to recognize the position and execution of the organization (Dotson Hyatt, 2005). Proportion examination, vertical investigation, even investigation, obligation investigation, value investigation and so on are the piece of this investigation. Typically, this investigation is done to recognize and assess the liquidity, dependability and dissolvability position of a firm. For breaking down the monetary presentation of the organization, proportion investigation study has been led: Money related analysiss fundamental part is proportion examination. Proportion investigation study portray about the different degree of an organization. This procedure portray about the liquidity, security and dissolvability position of a firm (Du Girma, 2009). This investigation briefs the clients about the monetary exhibition of the organization. Investigation of proportion examination is as per the following: The investigation of benefit proportions have been done to assess the situation of the benefit of the association. Typically, these proportions are based over the budgetary grids that could be utilized by the clients to recognize and assess the presentation of the organization based on all out costs and the income of the organization in a predefined period. Different gainfulness proportions, for example, ROA (return on resources), ROE (return on value), turnover of benefit, income per share and money related influence have been assessed to group the situation of JB HI FI (FIRER et al, 2012). 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Benefit Profit for value Net benefit/incomes 0.0305615 0.0384421 0.0375137 0.0367394 0.03507 Profit for resources Net benefit/Equity 0.2014052 0.3753086 0.3994169 0.4338983 0.47737 Money related influence EBIT/EBIT - Interest 1.0428016 1.0184332 1.0307692 1.0494505 1.05952 Resource turnover all out resources/all out deals *365 159.0876 91.665402 89.450986 90.097589 93.0154 Income per share Net gain - pref div/shares remarkable 0.3917995 3.1020408 2.4035088 2.2068966 1.84127 As per the above counts, it has been assessed that the JB HI FIs money related position has turned out to be better from most recent couple of years. The presentation of the organization has gotten better because of the new systems, polices and activities of the comapny (Annual report, 2017). The investigation of liquidity proportions have been done to assess the situation of the steadiness of the association. Regularly, these proportions are based over the money related grids that could be utilized by the clients to recognize and assess the commitment position of the organization based on all out current resources and current liabilities on a specific date (Fulin, 2011). Different liquidity proportions such current proportions, money proportions and snappy proportions have been assessed to recognize the situation of JB HI FI. Liquidity money proportion money reciprocals + money/current liabilities 0.0823928 0.1163311 0.1289474 0.1221591 0.15158 Current proportion Current resources/current liabilities 1.32 1.57 1.62 1.64 1.28 Speedy Ratio Current resources Inventory/current liabilities 0.35 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.31 Receivable turnover Receivables/Total sales*365 29.31 36.02 33.03 30.13 27.71 Stock turnover Stock/cost of products sold *365 71.37 64.52 61.26 61.03 59.57 As indicated by the above estimations, it has been assessed that the JB HI FIs money related position and the transient obligation of the comapny has became lower from most recent couple of years. However, the administration of the working capital of the organization is very great. The situation of the organization has become better as a result of the business position (Annual report, 2017). The investigation of dissolvability proportions has been done to assess the situation of the obligation and value of the association. Ordinarily, these proportions are based over the capacity of the organization that could be utilized by the organization to oversee and recognize the degree of the ideal capital structure of the JB HI FI Limited (Gaughan, 2010). It helps the organization and the top level administration of the organization to upgrade the situation of the organization based on absolute value and complete obligation on a specific date. Different dissolvability proportions such current money inclusion proportions, obligation value proportions and times premium earned proportions have been assessed to recognize the situation of JB HI FI. Dissolvability Times premium earned EBIT/Interest costs 24.363636 55.25 33.5 21.222222 17.8 Money inclusion proportion EBIT + non money costs/premium costs 269.00 222.00 202.00 192.00 179.00 Obligation to Equity Ratio Obligation/Equity 1.87 1.45 1.61 1.92 2.47 As per the above figurings, it has been assessed that the JB HI FIs dissolvability position and obligation and value relationship has turned out to be better from most recent couple of years. the administration of cost and hazard factor has additionally improved the exhibition of the organization. Through these computations, it has been broke down that the presentation of the organization has gotten better (Morningstar, 2017). The investigation of market based proportions has been done to assess the situation of the supply of the organization in the market. Typically, these proportions are based over the current stock value, book cost and the profit offered by the comapny. It helps the speculators and the money related investigator to settle on a superior choice about the venture and divestment from the organization. Different market based proportions, for example, profit yield proportions and cost/income proportions have been assessed to distinguish the situation of JB HI FI in the commercial center. Market based proportions Cost/income proportion Market esteem per share/income per share 60.90 Profit yield proportion profit/current offer cost 4.99 As indicated by the above estimations, it has been assessed that the JB HI FIs advertise based position and profit and sock value relationship has turned out to be better. The administration of stock cost and profit has been finished by the organization in a superior manner through dealing with the gracefully and request of the protections (Cravens and Piercy, 2006). Through these counts, it has been investigated that the exhibition of the organization has gotten better (Corporate investors, 2017). As indicated by the assessment over the dependability, position and benefit of the organization, it has been assessed that the JB HI FI is performing better in the business. The productivity position, liquidity position, showcase position and the dissolvability position of the organization is in the kindness of the organization and in this manner the arrival gave by the organization would likewise be better (Lacalle, 2017). Along these lines this delineate it is a decent decision for the financial specialists to put into the organization to upgrade the degree of the contributed sum. The financial specialist could contribute for long and present moment too in the comapny to improve result (Dean Yunus, 2001). End: To finish up, JB HI FI is the greatest organization in the business. This organization is the pioneer of the business and falls under FTSE 100. The presentation of JB HI FI has been assessed based on the different instruments and procedures for this report. Budgetary quality, execution, strength and benefit of the organization have been assessed to reach over a decision about the speculation and divestment. Information of most recent 5 years has been examined to show signs of improvement result. For the most part, the budgetary figures, stock cost and the yearly report of the organization have been worried for this report. The report presumes that it is a superior decision for the speculators to put into this organization for long and present moment also in the comapny to improve result. In this manner this delineate it is a decent decision for th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Same Sex Adoption

Same-Sex Partner Adoptions Kids are valuable endowments who have the right to be sustained and cherished. There are a large number of youngsters that are brought into the world ordinary, and guardians and family surrender some of them. Be that as it may, there are a lot of couples who couldn't imagine anything better than to make these kids an expansion to their families. Customarily, a couple receive kids. Today this conventional couple has extended to incorporate couples of a similar sex. Same sex couples are frequently looked downward on; as per cultural perspectives, same sex couples are â€Å"morally wrong.† The issue ought to be centered around the best new parents for the kid. Sexual direction ought not influence whether an individual ought to be a parent since gay people can give everything that hetero couples can accommodate a youngster. Studies have proposed that equivalent sex guardians are regularly terrible guardians. This investigation alludes just to the environment of experiencing childhood in an equivalent sex family. What does great child rearing truly mean? Great child rearing is giving the kid love: sustaining and furnishing the youngster with the necessities that are required forever, for example, food, water, apparel, and a protected living arrangement. Great child rearing does exclude anything about a parent’s sexual inclinations. Society and a few laws base their choices on the sexual orientation of the assenting couples. Gay people can embrace, however an equivalent sex couple can't receive a kid. This thought is ludicrous on the grounds that a great many people would accept that two guardians are superior to one great parent. I accept kids in same sex families have a similar chance to create as youngsters with hetero guardians. The way that guardians happen to be gay has no unfriendly impacts on the advancement of a kid. Studies have indicated that in certain cases same sex selections increment a child’s passionate and monetary security. As indicated by a couple of articles, same sex child rearing has an effects on the child’s peer relations, s... Free Essays on Same Sex Adoption Free Essays on Same Sex Adoption Same-Sex Partner Adoptions Youngsters are valuable blessings who have the right to be sustained and adored. There are a great many youngsters that are brought into the world ordinary, and guardians and family desert some of them. Be that as it may, there are a lot of couples who couldn't imagine anything better than to make these kids an expansion to their families. Generally, a couple embrace kids. Today this customary couple has extended to incorporate couples of a similar sex. Same sex couples are frequently looked downward on; as indicated by cultural perspectives, same sex couples are â€Å"morally wrong.† The issue ought to be centered around the best new parents for the youngster. Sexual direction ought not influence whether an individual ought to be a parent since gay people can give everything that hetero couples can accommodate a kid. Studies have recommended that equivalent sex guardians are frequently terrible guardians. This investigation alludes just to the environment of experiencing childhood in an equivalent sex family unit. What does great child rearing truly mean? Great child rearing is giving the youngster love: sustaining and giving the kid the necessities that are required forever, for example, food, water, garments, and a sheltered living arrangement. Great child rearing does exclude anything about a parent’s sexual inclinations. Society and a few laws base their choices on the sex of the assenting couples. Gay people can receive, yet an equivalent sex couple can't embrace a kid. This thought is crazy on the grounds that the vast majority would expect that two guardians are superior to one great parent. I accept youngsters in same sex families have a similar chance to create as kids with hetero guardians. The way that guardians happen to be gay has no antagonistic consequences for the improvement of a youngster. Studies have demonstrated that in certain occasions same sex selections increment a child’s passionate and budgetary security. As indicated by a couple of articles, same sex child rearing has an effects on the child’s peer relations, s...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Article summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article rundown - Essay Example Results proposed that smoking during pregnancy has unfriendly effect on the fetal development and is likewise connected with low financial pointers and other hazard practices. The exploration drew a correlation between the birth results of overwhelming smokers and non-substantial smokers and found that the previous were presented to considerably more wellbeing dangers than the last mentioned. Each factor other than the more seasoned maternal age was seen as a hazard factor for smoking during pregnancy. Self-reports of smoking in any event 10 cigarettes per day during the beginning time of pregnancy can prompt various ominous birth results. In any case, there is subjectivity about the degree to which the antagonistic birth results can be ascribed to substantial smoking alone as different variables like financial status and mental pressure additionally add to them. The exploration bolsters the methodologies for stopping smoking, yet a more extensive center is required to contemplate th e basic factors that cause antagonistic birth

Sunday, June 7, 2020

SW1P 1WG The Interface Between Chemistry and Physics - 5500 Words

SW1P 1WG: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics (Research Paper Sample) Content: This article was downloaded by: [] On: 28 July 2015, At: 07:25Publisher: Taylor FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WGClick for updatesMolecular Physics: An International Journal at theInterface Between Chemistry and PhysicsPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:/loi/tmph20Role of the n+1 amino acid residue on the deamidation of asparagine in pentapeptidesHasan H. Incea, F. Aylin Sungur Konuklarb, Ilke Ugurcde, ÃÆ'. Alaz Ozcand, Maryam Sayadif, Michael Feigg Viktorya Aviyenteda Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USAb Informatics Institute, Computational Science and Engineering Division, Istanbul TechnicalUniversity, Istanbul, Turkeyc UniversitÃÆ' de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, Franced Department of Chemistry, BogaziÃÆ'i University, Istanbul, Turkeye CNRS, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, Fra ncef Kim Lab, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canadag Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology, MichiganState University, East Lansing, USA Published online: 27 Jul 2015.To cite this article: Hasan H. Ince, F. Aylin Sungur Konuklar, Ilke Ugur, ÃÆ'. Alaz Ozcan, Maryam Sayadi, Michael Feig ViktoryaAviyente (2015): Role of the n+1 amino acid residue on the deamidation of asparagine in pentapeptides, Molecular Physics: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2015.1068394To link to this article: SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLETaylor Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Contentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of th e Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, andare not the views of or endorsed by Taylor Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use ofthe Content.This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in anyform to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms Conditions of access and use can be found at http:///page/terms-and-conditionsMolecular Physics, 2015 ARTICLERole o f the n + 1 amino acid residue on the deamidation of asparagine in pentapeptidesHasan H. Incea , F. Aylin Sungur Konuklarb , Ilke Ugurc , d , e , O ¨ . Alaz Ozcand , Maryam Sayadif , Michael Feigg andViktorya Aviyented , à ¢a Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA; b Informatics Institute, Computational Science andEngineering Division, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey; c Universite ´ de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France;d Department of Chemistry, Bogazic ¸i University, Istanbul, Turkey; e CNRS, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France; f Kim Lab, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; g Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA(Received 29 March 2015; accepted 26 June 2015)Deamidation plays an important role in biochemical phenomena such as aging. The role of the n + 1 residue on the deamidation of asparagine (asparagine being the nth residue) in three pentapeptide chains (GGNGG, GGNMG and GGNIG) has been analysed with hybrid computational tools. Potentials of mean force at 300 K were calculated from the MD/replica exchange simulations using weighted histogram analysis (WHAM) in explicit water. The snapshots were clustered taking into account the requirements of the plausible deamidation mechanisms, as such the tautomerisation of the asparagine side chain as initial step has been confirmed, based on the proximity of water to the deamidation site. The ultimate goal being to gain an insight on the peptide backbone N-H acidity, quantum mechanical calculations have been carried out. For this purpose, the distribution of / , 2 / and end-to-end distances deduced from the WHAM diagrams have been considered and a total of 110 structures have been sampled. These neutral pentapeptides as well as their corresponding anions have beenoptimised (B3LYP/6-31 ++ G(d,p)) in implicit water in order to gain an insight on the pepti de backbone N-H acidity. In thisstudy, we have shown that the open conformations of the neutrals and the anions, which display a ÃŽÂ ² sheet like structure arewell populated and their pKa s rank in the same order as the deamidating half-lives, that is the peptides that deaminate fastest can more readily access conformations that are more acidic.Keywords: deamidation; peptide; modelling1. IntroductionDeamidation is the conversion of the amide group on the side chain of an amino acid residue to a carboxylate or car- boxylic acid depending on the pH of the medium. Under physiological conditions, proteins spontaneously degrade via physical and chemical processes. It was proposed that accumulation of protein defects, resulting from deamida- tion, may be one of the main causes of human aging [1]. Two of the twenty ordinary amino acid residues in peptides and proteins, asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln), are un- stable under physiological conditions [2]. Deamidation of Asn or Gln in troduces a negative charge at the deamidation residue, and thus the structure of the deamidating peptide or protein changes. The conversion of the neutral amide side chain to the negatively charged carboxylate causes time dependent changes in conformation and limits the life- time of peptides and proteins [3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬6]. It has been suggested that sequence-dependent non-enzymatic amide hydrolysis, deamidation of glutaminyl and asparaginyl residues in pep- tides and proteins may serve as a general molecular timer of biological processes [7].The non-enzymatic deamidation is also detected in pep- tides in vitro. The chemical instability introduced by this re- action in vitro causes several problems in pharmaceuticals. For instance, growth hormone-releasing factors were found to lose their biological activities because of being subject to deamidation during storage [8]. This major instability as- cribed to deamidation was observed years before the recent developments in engineered prot ein drugs. Currently, con- trolling the rate of deamidation is one of the major aspects of protein therapeutics optimisation, since it is one of the most commonly occurred degradations in peptides [9,10].Under neutral and basic conditions, the deamidation is base catalysed and the products are a mixture of as- partate (Asp), and iso-aspartate (Iso-Asp). Production of Iso-Asp requires cleavage of the peptide backbone. The experimentally isolated cyclic imide intermediate (succin- imide) justifies the backbone contribution in basic and neu- tral media [11]. The deprotonation of the peptide bond nitrogen is necessary for succinimide-mediated deami- dation and isomerisation. Capasso et al. defined succin- imide formation as the rate determining step of the overallDownloaded by [] at 07:25 28 July 2015à ¢ Corresponding author. Email: 2015 Taylor FrancisScheme 1. Reactants and products of Asn deamidation.reaction [12]. The cyclic imide then hydro lyses at either one of the two carbonyls to yield a mixture of Asp and Iso-Asp residues. The ratio of L-Asp to L-iso-Asp was experimen- tally found to be 3:1 (Scheme 1).Tyler-Cross and Schirch [13] and Robinson et al. [1] found that the residue immediately following the Asn (on the C-terminal side) has a large effect on the deamidation rate. The fastest deamidation rates, on the time scale of a day at neutral pH, were observed for sequences containing - Asn-Gly- [1]. Kosky et al. [14], Xie et al. [15] and Robinson et al. [16à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬18] found that secondary and tertiary structures generally reduce deamidation rates as compared to peptides with the same sequence. Peters and Trout claim that the conversion of Asn to succinimide is the rate limiting step in the deamidation [19].The most rapid deamidation was observed when then + 1 residue is glycine (Gly). The facilitating effect of Glyon deamidation with respect to other residues was explainedby several factors:(1) Steric hindrance : The size of groups on the ÃŽ- carbon of n + 1 residue is seen to control the rateof deamidation. However, the degradation rates are not linearly correlated with the size of the residues [20,21].(2) Backbone amide acidity: Experimental studies have related the deamidation rate to the hydrogen ex- change rate constants of the backbone amide hy-drogen of the n + 1 residue and have created a newperspective to the facilitating effect of Gly [22]. Theassumption here was that the rate of deamidation is directly correlated to acidity of backbone amide hy-drogen of n + 1. This assumption fairly explained the impact of n + 1 residue for several non- Glyresidues. However, the relative rate of the peptideswit...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Deity and Practices of Catholicism vs. Christianity Essay

There are many denominations that fall under Christianity, one being Catholicism. It is true that all Catholics are Christians. However, it is not true that all Christians are Catholic. Jesus Christ is the founder of both branches. Catholics and Christians have several things in common as well as several things that set themselves apart. This work will look at a few of those similarities and differences, including; their concept of deity, practices, and life after death. Both Catholicism and Christianity are a lot alike when it comes to the topic of deity. There is not much that separates the two religions when it comes to differences in this aspect. Both religions believe in God as to be three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and†¦show more content†¦One may say, â€Å"Well Christianity is like that!† That is true, however, Catholics believe in a place before Heaven that a person may go to known as Purgatory. Purgatory, as previously stated, is a place a person may go to before going to Heaven who wish for purification. Purgatory is not a pleasant place. It is known to be more like Hell than it is Heaven. Purgatory is a location where people go to â€Å"get rid of their sins† before proceeding to Heaven. Most Christians do not believe in Purgatory. Christians believe in going straight to Heaven or straight to Hell, no in between. Christians believe that a person dies only once and then proceeds to Heaven to face God’s judgment. If that person accepted God in his life and was washed clean of his/her sins, then that person will be granted acceptance into Heaven. If that person did not meet those qualifications, then that person will be banished to Hell forever. To take it a step further, Christians believe that a series of events (found in the book of Revelations) will occur after God has called his children home. This will be known as the Tribulation. During the Tribulation, non-believers will have the chance to become believe rs and accept God into their hearts. If these people do this, then they will be called to Heaven as well. After the Tribulation, all of God’s children will be called to Heaven and all of his non-children will be cast into the lake ofShow MoreRelatedReligions : Commons Goals Vs. Pretend Pluralism Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesReligions: Commons Goals vs â€Å"Pretend Pluralism† Religion is a universal term that is widely used for a human’s belief system. The views on how religions compare to one another can be defined differently. One view explains religions using a united belief system by their common goals. Another view explains that different religions are just a shared essence and have vast differences between their specific traditions and customs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Confucius; Then Now - 973 Words

Confucius; Then Now Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, can be argued to be the first and most significant of Chinese political thinkers. His philosophy traveled across the many kingdoms in China, centuries later becoming a part of the foundation of modern Chinese governance. Born after the fall of the Zhou Dynasty, Confucius belonged to the Warring States Era, a time of significant chaos. From the time of his being to modern day, people from China and many other countries in the world have studied the core values of his teachings, all hoping to make such values applicable to their own lives. Although the extent of Confucius’s teachings is astonishing at the least, one should not neglect to understand the interpretations of†¦show more content†¦In fact, Confucius in passage 12.1 emphasizes the importance of ritual: â€Å"Do not look unless it is in accordance with ritual; do not listen unless it is in accordance with ritual; do not speak unless it is in accordance with ritual; do not move unless it is in accordance with ritual.† Because of the vast scope of ritual in society, it cannot be disregarded in Confucian philosophy. One cannot perform any tasks from serving of food to chatting with friends without having considered ritual, in order to fulfill the expectations of an ideal person. This practice of ritual is commonly seen in America as etiquette, in the form of politeness and general respect. However, this cannot be accepted to be of the same value. Confucius’s statement taken from passage 12.1 can be expected to receive a much different response from the twenty-first century American as opposed to a response from a Chinese person during Confucius’s time. In regards to other values found in American society, etiquette usually does not outshine values of freedom, honesty, and pride. Some Americans may find ritual to be humorous because of its absurdity, while others may find it to be a value that needs more public interest. There fore, ritual in American society is not to be easily understood, especially in the magnitude seen in Chinese culture. Confucius believed that benevolence andShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Confucius763 Words   |  3 PagesConfucius faced a lot of troubles during his time, mainly from his unpopularity with the feudal leaders of China – way back when China was still divided by states. 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LuRead MoreDiscusses Confucius contributions in the humanities by explaining his concept of moral rectitude.1191 Words   |  5 PagesConfucius Confucius life was of tremendous importance in the forming of Chinese culture. Confucius plan and simple approach to life, revealed his deep seeded beliefs that through great human effort one can shape their own future. He had great faith in the ordinary man and believed that they are teachable and perfectible. Confucius believed that ordinary humans could be come awe-inspiring with wisdom and great knowledge. The quest to improve one s self became deeply rooted in the ConfucianRead MoreConfucianism Is An Eastern Asia Religion / Philosophy1071 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloped from the teachings of Confucius. It is more a system of ethics and social behavior. People who follow the teachings of Confucius also observe traditional Chinese religion, which is a combination of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism alongside local practices and beliefs. Confucianism has greatly influenced the history of Chinese civilizations, cultures, and territories up to the 21st century. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was born in 551 BCE in what is now known as Shantung ProvinceRead MoreEssay on The Culture and History of China1656 Words   |  7 Pagesgreat impact on Chinas ancient and modern day societies is Master Confucius. Confucius has inspired the literature of modern and ancient China through important books which are still being read by Chinese authors today. Moreover, Confucius has had many achievements which have revolutionized philosophy in contemporary China through his philosophy of â€Å"The Five Relationships† which teach us truth to being human. Lastly, Confucius has had a major influence over religion throughout Chinas ancientRead MoreSimilarities Between Confucius And The Great Scholar Confucius Essay874 Words   |  4 PagesChinese governments to see that it is influenced greatly by the great scholar Confucius. Do we see these influences in today’s systems of governments? Confucius had many different areas of focus but we can whittle that down to three areas. The three main areas of Confucius are all seen in some way in the Ancient Chinese governments. The first point in Confucius s three main points is the importance of family. Confucius stressed that family is composed of many types of relationships within the familyRead MoreConfucius, a child brought up in poverty, enjoyed setting up sacrificial vessels and imitating700 Words   |  3 PagesConfucius, a child brought up in poverty, enjoyed setting up sacrificial vessels and imitating gestures of rituals. When he reached the age of 33, he studied customs and traditions of Chou Empire. (The Famous People) Early in Confucius’ life, he has discovered something he is passionate about. He proved that his early interest in rituals as a child was carried on in his career and on what will be the center of his life. â€Å"The founder of Confucianism, Master Kong (Confucius, 551-479 B.C.E.) did notRead MoreU.S Goverment Essay670 Words   |  3 Pagesgovernment Name Professor Institution Course Date American government When many people get to hear the term Confucius, they often relate the notion to wisdom, values, and clever phrases. Confucius’ teachings centers on philosophy and specifically deals with effective leadership ideologies. Confucius states that good government comprise of a ruler playing the role of a ruler; in that, each person having a leadership role is required to perform the delegatedRead More Confucius Curry and a Mountain Dew1396 Words   |  6 PagesPepsi. We could use some manners, or maybe just a reintroduction. Confucius thought is constructed on kindness and propriety, as well as holding the morally virtuous to be the ideal person. This philosophy exceedingly expresses value in benevolence, education, and the treatment of other people, but has hidden innuendos that would knock the petals off any flower child. In this reflection paper, I will dabble with how incorporating Confucius thought and practices would help in some areas of American societyRead MoreSimilariti es Between Confucianism And Ancient China1248 Words   |  5 Pageshistorians and philosophers and many believe the myth of Confucius developing Confucianism all in his lonesome. Confucius was born in the historical state of Lu at a time when Zhou Dynastic power was crumbling. The Zhou Dynasty has started to lose control and Ancient China erupted into a struggle for power. Many ruling elites craved for unification thus granting them total control of the Zhou household, known as the Warring States Period. Confucius believed the founders of the Zhou Dynasty had established

Contrast Organic Food vs Processed Food free essay sample

How important is the food that the averages person puts into their bodies every day? Eating is a way of making peace, passing the time, sharing friendships, and having a communion. The narrator of Food Inc points out that, â€Å"The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000† (2008). How has it changed? Americans have gone from eating hunter-gatherer style organic greens and fruits, to severely processed sugars, carbohydrates, and high protein meats. Most Americans eat something similar to a â€Å"chicken and pasta† diet nowadays. This may not be bad, but is this â€Å"new† food really better for us than what people ate 50 and 100 years ago? Organic foods are substances that are produced using ways that do not involve modern unneeded synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic foods are also not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives (dictionary). Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is commercially prepared food designed for ease of buying and consuming. Products designated as â€Å"convenience or processed foods† are often prepared so they can be sold as hot, ready-to-serve plates; as room-temperature, long lasting shelf life products; or as refrigerated or frozen products that require minimal preparation (usually just microwaving). There are studies that show that the food people consume on a daily basis Taylor 2 can influence them for years to come, and can impact the longevity of lives through weight fluctuation, energy, and healing powers. The most common ads on TV nowadays are weight loss commercials. The average American is overweight, sluggish, and unhealthy. More than one-third of U. S. adults (35. 7%) are obese (Ogden). How does food control our weight? Does processed food cause weight gain more than organic would? Processed and packaged food is filled with unnatural dyes, toxins, and genetically modified ingredients that our bodies don’t know how to react to. These artificial chemicals give the food flavor, color, and a long shelf life, but they also build up in the body and cause the nutritional system to be confused, blocked, and set into fat-storing mode (Davis, William). Consuming fresh vegetables, fruits, and other items grown naturally without any preservatives is what the body naturally expects. It’s easy for that sustenance to be converted to energy because that’s what one’s body expects. An organic diet usually results in a trimmer and more energetic body and mind set. Eating organic is not always helpful to one’s budget; the supply of organic food is more limited than the demand. Handling the food results in higher costs because of the mandatory separation of organic and conventional products, and selling and dispersing the organic food throughout the country can also result in higher costs because it’s rather inefficient and the volumes are smaller (FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization). Fast food may appear to be cheap food and, in the literal sense it often is, but that is because huge social and environmental costs are being excluded from the calculations. Taylor 3 Any analysis of the real cost would have to look at such things as the rise in food-borne illnesses, the advent of new pathogens, such as E. coli 0157, antibiotic resistance from the overuse of drugs in animal feed, extensive water pollution from intensive agricultural systems and many other factors. These costs are not reflected in the price of fast food (Prince Charles). Beyond prices is food security. Can farmers produce enough organic food to sustain the global population? Conventionally made food is easier to find, a lower price, and quicker to prepare. But organic food does yield more than one would think (Michigan State University). The wrong foods have been known to cause diseases, but the right ones have also been known to prevent them, or rid the body of harmful toxins causing the illness. Although human bodies are incredibly adaptable and may maintain themselves for a long time when nutrition is improper or lacking, ideal health is dependent on optimum nutrition. † (Allman, 9). â€Å"In 1972, the FDA conducted approximately 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the FDA conducted 9,164† (Food, Inc). Not all food is safe for the body to digest. This quote is not saying that all processed food is bad for the body, and hat all organic food is perfect, it’s saying that most food people eat isn’t as clean as it used to be which is much like â€Å"going backwards† from all the progress America has made with food codes and regulations. The question throughout all of this still stands, â€Å"Can the food one eats truly help them live longer? † One of the oldest people alive, Walter Breuning, had an interview about his diet recently. All his life he’s said that most people eat â€Å"just too darn much† (Sanders). Breuning hasn’t eaten supper for the past 35 years. He eats lots of fruit, lots of vegetables, and drinks a Taylor 4 arge amount of water. He says that’s the way he likes it, and there’s no denying that it’s helped him go far beyond the average lifespan of an adult male. Whether one considers their weight, lifespan, budget, or general health next time they go out to the grocery store, or consume something to eat, it’s always good to consider something. Mindless eating doesn’t benefit anyone. Do people â€Å"eat to live,† or do they â€Å"live to eat? † Food can affect our weight, lifespan, energy, and health. Eating will never go out of style, and it will always be something that’s talked about in everyday lives.